I don’t know about you, but I find my Builder the hardest in the family to buy for.

So much of what is marketed to men for Christmas gifts is for the DIYer which would just feel like work to my tradie. Can you imagine his reaction if I bought him a drill!??

With this in mind, I thought I would share my ideas for top tradie gifts.

  1. Rocketbook

Ok so this might still be a tool your tradie can use in the business, it is though, a big time saving tool that won’t feel like a tool when they are using it!

A Rocketbook is a tech savvy tool that allows the user to write with pen and “paper” and then upload seamlessly to online folders before rubbing out the page and reusing!! Not just tech savvy but environmentally friendly too 😊

  1. Experience

My tradie is useless at making time for himself and even worse at taking time to catch up with his mates. On my list this, is a craft beer making class, or a BBQ smoking lesson which I know he will love! Why not find an experience that your tradie could share with their friends like a beer tasting or cricket tickets? Check out red balloon for more examples

  1. Massage

How often does the tradie in your life make time to relax their weary body? How about a voucher for a massage to help them relax.

  1. Gym membership

Business owners find it a struggle to prioritise their physical health, you can help your business owner by springing for a gym membership for 3 months to help them get into a new habit.

  1. Spotify subscription

What a great gift to help them keep up with the Tradies in Business podcast!! A spotify subscription ranges in price from free to around $20 for a monthly family membership.

  1. Skateboard

Ok, so a skateboard might not suit every tradie, how about a gift of something they enjoyed in their teen years. Surfing lessons, surfboard, tennis racket, cricket bat, something they ‘used to do’ but don’t now. A great way to encourage them to take some well deserved time out!

  1. Weekend away!

No better way to ensure some down time for you both, than to book and gift a weekend away! No excuses then 😊

  1. Bluetooth Speaker

We got a great Bose speaker for the builder last year, he uses it every day at work. There are many varieties of Bluetooth speakers available for the tradie in your life!

  1. Pizza Oven

Right up their with the BBQ smoking lessons, a pizza oven is on the wish list for the builder this year. There are lots of models available from tabletop to something more elaborate for your tradie to help out with the cooking in the year to come 😊

  1. Bedside docking station

With the  popularity of smart phones, watches and earphones, why not shout your tradie a docking station that will charge all 3 while they sleep. A great way to keep the bedside tidy and organised, while looking good and keeping your tradie feeling spoilt.


Bonus gift idea!!

  1. Skin care

After being in the sun, wind and rain all day our tradies need to be taking better car of their skin. A gift of beautiful skin care products would be a great investment in their future!


These a just a few of the ideas that have been on my tradies list, I’d love to hear what is on yours! Why not join us over in the Tradies in Business Facebook group and let us know what you got your tradie or if you’re a tradie, what you’d love for Christmas!

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