“It’s better to give than to receive”

Ever hear that line when you were growing up?

Well, this little book will bust open a few myths about giving, sales, win:win and more. It’s written in the form of a parable (which Michaela loves…not!) so it’s easy to take the lessons.

Like any good business book, there’s 5 Laws – for this title, it’s the Laws of Stratospheric Success (bit wanky but worth remembering them) and the authors do a good job of giving simple examples of how to apply the principles in your own life and business.

If you’ve ever wondered how your own generosity and abundance could actually lead to increased business, profits and cashflow while still having integrity and compassion, this book will make it clear!

We’d love to hear your thoughts too, so if you do read it, drop some feedback on the Facebook page.
