We seem to be having something of a mid-life crisis at the Tradies Business Show, now that we’ve hit 40 episodes!

In today’s episode, Warrick and Michaela take a look at the worrying trend of consumers and the media ‘bashing’ tradies.  All we seem to hear are stories about how bad tradies are at the simple stuff:

  • answering the phone
  • calling back
  • following up quotes
  • turning up on time (if you turn up at all)
  • taking off your shoes
  • etc
  • etc
  • etc

Well, it’s time to take a stand! If you’re one of the tradies who is doing things right and getting great results too, please… PLEASE! go to our facebook page at www.facebook.com/tradiesbusinessshow and do these three things:

  1. Like the page (of course!)
  2. Introduce yourself and your business. Tell us a little bit about who you are so we, and the other followers get to know you, and
  3. Most importantly – share your success stories or tell us how you’re doing things to wow your customers, or stand out from the crowd of people in your industry. Give some examples of things you do well, so we can get this message out to the media and consumers and stop the tradie bashing!

[Just a warning before you listen, Warrick gets a bit fired up and uses some ‘adult’ language so if you’re easily offended then best you skip this episode]

Remember, to make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe on iTunes and please give the show a star rating and a written review to help keep the show visible to tradies everywhere.

Thanks again for listening!
