How many times have you heard us on the Tradies Business Show talk about content and blog posts and thought, “That’s not relevant to me, I’m just a builder/plumber/electrician and content marketing doesn’t work for my business or I don’t have the time”

Then you just tuned out from us and the seconds later wondered why you weren’t winning jobs.  

Well I’m here to tell you that if you’re not blogging about your business then you’re missing out.

Why should I be blogging?

Blogs are a great way to add keyword rich content to your site, which helps you to come up earlier in search engine rankings.

Plus if your customers are searching for the answer to a particular problem that you’ve written about they’ll come straight to you.

Another benefit of adding blogs to your site is that they can help position you as an expert in the field – when your customers are comparing you against a competitor they could be swayed by your knowledge and experience.

Case study: Jeremy Watson of Alexander Watson

Alexander Watson is an insulation installation company based out of Canberra. In addition to providing quotes for insulation installation they also have an online store where customers can buy insulation products and a blog that provides safety and technical information.

The business owner and Tradies Business Toolkit member Jeremy Watson recently sent this blog post about Mandatory Electrical Inspections for Insulation in response to five customers who he had spoken to about organising a quote.

The customers had been on the fence about which insulation company to go with and were in talks with a number of their competitors as well.

Within one day of receiving the email, 3 out of the 5 had already booked in with Alexander Watson.

Within 24 hours, that one blog post that took less than 1 hour to write secured over $9400 in sales.

blog post case study

So why was this so effective?

You might notice that it isn’t a sales heavy article – in fact it is incredibly technical.

By demonstrating their knowledge of the industry and the safety guidelines they positioned themselves as a leader.

It helped to create a feeling of trust in their customers that they would do a good job and that inspired them to go with Alexander Watson over their competitors.

It also meant the sale was much easier and Jeremy avoided having to haggle over price.

In addition it was also a big time saver for him as he didn’t have to answer the same question five times over in one day.  

How can you use this technique in your business?

Your blog posts don’t need to be long, detailed or salesly to have an impact.   

They’re a perfect way for you to demonstrate techniques and your knowledge of the industry.

You can talk about industry regulations, safety procedures, trends in the industry, specific techniques and products or just general advice.

As long as your customers find it helpful then they’re more likely to think about you when looking to hire someone.

Plus it will probably involve less haggling over price because they already trust you!

