tradies in business podcast

TIB276 Getting Aligned with Your Partner or Spouse. Is It Possible?
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Have you noticed that some couples working together just seem to ‘gel’? If you’re one of them then that’s awesome!

Whether you are or not, do you actually know how to deliberately create alignment with you significant other? How do you actually ‘agree to agree’ and navigate some of the seeming endless challenges facing partners working together (and just doing life together)?

Nic and Waz have had a few rodeos between them in this regard and have invested hundreds of hours reading, learning and observing others finding a way to successfully align with their partner.

Bridging the Gap

As business coaches, Nic and Waz work very closely with a lot of our Tradiepreneurs, especially Tradiepreneur couples. They see so many couple struggle to find lasting alignment when it comes to not just running their business together, but also doing the life together.

But being aligned doesn’t necessarily mean working towards the same goals—there just needs to be a little commonality to your goals. If you and your partner have polar opposite goals, walking through about it can help you understand that you want to achieve the goal for the exact same reason.

Moving forward in commonality instead of moving forward in friction

Unfortunately, a lot of couples/partners get stuck in those friction points instead of taking the opportunity to have a look at what the possibilities are that might actually meet the needs that both have in common.

A lot are also stuck on what they think is best and it’s sometimes driven by fear. One way to address this is to actually sit down with your partner and think about if in 10 years time, will this be most important aspect of your decision/s. Looking at what’s most important, knowing if there’s some common values between you and your partner that actually supersedes the head butting about your way versus their way can help you set some common grounds for your goals.

Willingness to say “Okay”

If you’re working with your significant other in your business. One simple way to get more alignment is to agree to agree. Agree to agree on what’s most important for both of you and find that common ground, that common goal. Think of what are some possible ways you could do that works for both of you instead.


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Tradies In Business

Ft. Nicole And Warrick

Whether you’re a plumber, electrician, builder, motor mechanic, landscaper, tiler, glazier, painter, carpenter, concretor or any of the myriad of trades and contractors that keep the world running, this podcast has been produced with you in mind. Your hosts, Warrick ‘Waz’ Bidwell and Nicole ‘Nic’ Cox, were both born into tradie families and have first hand experience of the gut busting, money stress and pressures that trade businesses can place on their owners and their families! Nic and Waz strongly believe in the opportunity that exists for all tradie business owners to create a flexible, financially secure business for now and for their families’ future. Waz and Nic interview guests on a range of topics such as marketing, finance, human resources, legal issues, mindset, motivation, physical and mental health, industry updates and more! They love a laugh and a good story so tune in for a unique look at how to ‘get off the tools’ and break the cycle of financial hardship and stress to create the trade business you really wanted!


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